
 Using the App

The home screen of American Idioms displays the complete list of idioms, alphabetized by the initial keyword in the idiom (shown left). Scroll the list to browse through the idioms. Tap on an idiom to show its Details screen (shown right).

The Details for each idiom include several fields:

  • Idiom: The idiom is given in a single basic form for simplicity. In practice, idioms, like language generally, are flexible and can occur in various forms.
  • Paraphrase: The idiom is defined by a brief paraphrase that you can use to rephrase a sentence to illustrate the idiom's essential meaning.
  • Example: Each idiom is illustrated by an example sentence showing its use in a realistic context.
  • Comment: In some cases, comments provide additional context about the use of an idiom – any connotations it has, for example, or that it is generally used facetiously.
  • Origin: Where an idiom’s origin is definitely known, it is given. In many cases where an idiom’s origin is unknown, it can be guessed with moderate certainty – the origin in these cases is labeled “possible” or “probable.”
  • See also: This is a link to any related idioms.
  • Notes: Enter any personal notes or comments about this idiom.

Note: I recommend that you view American Idioms in landscape mode on an iPad. While the app works in portrait mode, at times when launching or returning to the app, you must sometimes tap Back to display the complete list of idioms.

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