How to Play Pentominos

Each piece has a small indent in its central square. The center is the focus of actions to manipulate and move the pieces.

To select a piece, tap and hold on its center. The piece will lighten to indicate that it is selected.

Tap a piece’s center once to rotate it 90º right or clockwise. This also selects the piece.

Tap a piece’s center twice to rotate it 90º left or counterclockwise. This also selects the piece.

Swipe left or right across a piece’s center to flip it horizontally. This also selects the piece.

Swipe up or down across a piece’s center to flip it vertically. This also selects the piece.

To move the selected piece to the board, tap the square on the board where you’d like the piece’s center to land.

To move a piece that’s already on the board to another square, select the piece then tap the square where you’d like the piece to land.

To remove a piece from the board, tap its home base.